  1. No Tribe


<p>No Tribe</p>
<p>Im talking bout No Tribe</p>
<p>Say No Tribe</p>
<p>No Tribe Ill ever be</p>
<p>Im Talking No Tribe</p>
<p>Im gonna join No Tribe</p>
<p>No Tribe</p>
<p>Yeah, They'll be no tribe for me</p>
<p>Cause that's where all the trouble begins</p>
<p>In thinking you're separate from me</p>
<p>Sign here</p>
<p>I don't think I want to sign here</p>
<p>Wont you Sign here</p>
<p>And you leave it all to me</p>
<p>Just sign here</p>
<p>I don't think I'm gonna sign here</p>
<p>Sign there</p>
<p>Yeah they'll never let you be</p>
<p>Cause that's where all the trouble begins</p>
<p>In thinking you're separate from me</p>
<p>Lao Tzu&nbsp;</p>
<p>Yeah I'm gonna do a Lao Tzu</p>
<p>Lao Tzu</p>
<p>Riding off and being free</p>
<p>Turn the tide</p>
<p>Yeah I think it's time to turn the tide</p>
<p>Man up,</p>
<p>The high cost of being free</p>
<p>Now I'm gonna find me a water buffalo</p>
<p>And we're gonna ride into eternity</p>
<p>According to Chinese legend, in 500 BC</p>
<p>The wise old sage Lao Tzu</p>
<p>was the philosophical advisor to the emperor</p>
<p>But neither the emperor nor mankind&nbsp;</p>
<p>Had much interest in the ways of the perennial philosophy</p>
<p>So Lao Tsu discouraged by their apathy&nbsp;</p>
<p>Climbed atop a water buffalo and rode off into the desert</p>
<p>Never to be heard of again</p>
<p>He did however write down the IChing as he left</p>
<p>Riding out into eternity</p>